"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."

Monday, June 1, 2009

Moldy awnings and gifts that keep on giving

My lovely friend Jenn came bearing gifts for not only my son's birthday but for our new apartment. She gave Olivia a flower growing kit.

She also brought me a TON of these flowers below to plant, as well as, gardening gloves, tools and seeds : ) I planted the flowers on the side of the house and in the back flower garden. Thanks Jenn!!

I was just inside my house near the front door, which was open, and I heard a noise on the stairs. I came out and found these plants and seeds on my steps and heard a car speed away. I figured it was my landlord, he had mentioned to my husband that his father would give us some of their tomato plants. So I called him and his wife asked him if he had dropped them off. It was actually his father.
I love seeds for the promise of plants but the plants are a lot easier to keep alive! None of the seeds I planted weeks ago took. Maybe I planted too early. Pray for my little plants. I hope I don't kill them.

Pat scrubbed the front and backdoor awnings Saturday.


I am still ripping weeds out and digging out the rocky soil where my veggie garden is going to go. I must plant this weekend!!

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad you like your gifts. :) I have the same flowers on my front porch and the just keep blooming, they are so pretty. I hope you have the same luck with yours.
