"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

6/30 Free water bottle and cheap Chinet

Got my free water bottle from Juicy Juice in the mail today! We love our collection of water bottles (cheaper than buying bottled water, iced coffee, etc.).
I need to thank Jamie at http://jamieisamoneymagnet.blogspot.com/ for posting about her cheap Chinet at Walmart using her $2/1 coupons. I have been sitting on tons of these coupons for months and had no idea they would be so cheap with these coupons. They expire today!! I sent Pat out to Walmart (yes, I am so sick I can't go shopping!) for a few things and he picked the last 7 up for me. Retail price is $2.54-$2/1 coupons=$0.52 a pack!! We never use paper plates so these will last us a long time! Thanks Jamie!!

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