"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."

Friday, June 26, 2009

My green bean and wax bean seeds are growing! Now what!?

My green and wax beans are sprouting. What should I put in my garden to help them climb? I really need help!


  1. Beth, do you know if you have bush beans or pole beans? bush don't need any help, we generally don't grow pole beans, because they require more work you have to tie them up I think. Either way I would just let them go and see what happens!

  2. Marilyn's Money-Thanks for the advice. I'm not sure what type they are. I will wait and see what happens. I thinned them out and it broke my heart to take perfectly good plants out of the ground and chuck them in the woods! I guess I planted too many seeds but I didn't think they would all sprout!

  3. Fyi, we didn't thin ours out and they are doing fine! I'll post new pics of my garden soon.
