"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

6/16 I bought $149.62 worth of food and what not for $16.65 today!!! : )

Total full retail value of everything pictured above-$149.62

I bought all this between several different stores today. But because I am tired (I shopped all day and then pruned and sheared all the shrubs) I am going to group things together by store and not necessarily by trip.

Stop and Shop
40 Soyjoy bars buy 1 get 1 free $20-20 buy 1 get 1 free coupons ($20) =FREE
12 French's mustards $18.00-12 $0.75/1 coupons doubled ($18.00)=FREE
6 Hellmann's mayo $15.00- 6 $0.60/1 coupons doubled ($7.20)=$7.80
Total spent-$7.80

Trip #1
This store did not have any St. Ives left so I purchased the following-
Benadryl spray $6.29-$1/1 coupon=$5.29
Nail polish= $0.99
Mini clip=$0.17 (tried to use polish and clip as fillers, did not work)
M&M's=$0.50 (allowed me to use my 3rd $3 RR)
2 Burt's Bees lip balm $7.98-$1/2 coupon=$6.98
Total spent $13.93-3 x $3 RR ($9)=$5.15 (including tax)

Trip #2
4 separate transactions
1 St. Ives body wash $2.99-$1.50/1 coupon=$1.56 (including tax) got $3 RR
Same thing 3 more times Total coupons $6
Total spent $6.24 got total of $12 RR

1 bunch bananas $2.08-$0.40 off with silver coin=$1.68
5 International Delights creamers $5-2 $1/1 coupons ($2) + 1 $1/2 coupons=$2 (I know I should have only bought 4, I am still kicking myself)
5 Marcal rolls of t.p. $4.45-5 Free coupons ($4.45)=FREE
2 Newman's Own dressings $5-2 $0.75/1 coupons ($1.50)=$3.50
Total spent-$7.18

2 Soft Soap body washes $10.98-$2 EB+$1 EB for Soft soap+2 $1/1 Soft soap coupons ($2)=$6.28 (including tax) got $4 EB

Todays stats-
Total spent-$32.65
Total coupons used-$64.15
Total EB used-$3
Total EB earned-$4
Total RR used-$9

Total RR earned-$12
Total saved off full retail value-$116.97

If you subtract the Extra bucks and Register Rewards I earned I actually only spent..........


  1. I should take a picture of my free toothpaste and toothbrush collection for you. I LOVE coupons and matching them up with the sales. Unfortunately, I don't always have time to do it. You did great!

  2. I have discovered different ways to find out what the sales are going to be for weeks in advance. Then I go to ebay and buy my coupons. That way I can find the really good deals and have my coupons ready when the sales hit. Some of my favorite sites are www.iheartcvs.com www.iheartriteaid.com www.iheartwags.com I have also found a couple of other people that are able to get an advance notice of grocery sales. Let me know what grocery stores you use and if I can find some blogs that give you a heads up on those sales I'll let you know : )
