"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."

Monday, June 8, 2009

We don't have to blow up the back yard

I think it would have been easier to blow up the back yard and start fresh but luckily we don't believe in blowing things up : )

Here is our lovely back yard before we worked on it this weekend.
After. Really this is the same back yard. We dug out all the rocks and reset them and Pat weed wacked EVERYTHING.

I dug out a nice area to plant some flowers.

The areas just to the left and right of the pine tree still need the rock walls dug out and reset. Hopefully we can get to it this weekend. I finally planted the tomato and pepper plants I was given. I dug out and sifted by hand a gazillion rocks. I still have to finish sifting the dirt I dug out around the border and plant the veggie seeds in the rest of the garden. Luckily, the smaller ones were repurposed in my flower garden (see other post) and the larger ones were used and the rest will be used in the rock wall.




  1. Nice work with the stone! It's not easy. But years from now you can say, look at that. We did that!

  2. Thanks! I can't wait to do the rest. It really has a lot of potential to look really nice. Can't get it done fast enough!
