"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."

Monday, June 15, 2009

I hate rocks but I love pretty flowers and tasty veggies more

I am really surprised that I do not have nightmares about rocks. I am so sick of them. The only plus of all the rocks I have dug out is that they are free and I've been able to put most of them to good use.
We spent the only decent day this weekend doing more landscaping and gardening.

We finished tearing down and reseting the stone wall to the right of the pine tree.
I made two levels and a mini rock wall and planted seeds. Hopefully, they didn't all wash away in the all night down pour we had Saturday night.

There is the first immovable rock I had to leave as part of my garden. Can you see it? Lower right hand corner of the first level. Darn rocks!

I had already planted half of the plants going in this section when I tried to dig up this huge rock. This is maybe a 1/4 of it that I left exposed. I was not happy that it was too gigantic to remove and figured this was another lesson in accepting things I cannot change.

Pat bought 4 for 12 flowers and I split the 4 plants that were in each pot. Most I planted here. And the rest I planted in the garden in front of the big wall in the back yard.

Pat helped me put up the cinder block wall on the lower edge of my veggie garden. Not very pretty but very functional and FREE.
Here are the flowers in my backyard garden.

These are the edible flower seeds I planted. Yes, I actually grew something from seeds!!! We transplanted Olivia's seedlings last week and only a few survived. Most were immediately eaten by something : (

Pat bought me these cool littel plant supports that you just raise up as the plant grows. Unfortunately, I ran out of time and wasn't able to plant my veggie seeds. I will be doing that the first nice day we have this week : )


  1. Your garden and flowers are looking good.

  2. Gorgeous!
    I do that too- buy plants that I know I can split (two, three, four in the same pot, sold as "one")--bonus!!
    Brain and I built the wall in this
    photo with our bare hands. 70-pound stones. The smaller ones went on the top, and the neighborhood being what it is, some "disappeared" so it had been taller. But it's maybe 30 feet long.

  3. Paula, I just looked at the photos of your plants and they are amazing! I can only hope mine will look as good or at least not die! This is the first time I am planting here. The soil all over the yard is very rocky and sandy. It will be a miracle if anything thrives.

  4. The River Otter, That wall in your photo is amazing. Ever since we have been working on ours, I am very aware of them everywhere. And they are everywhere here. I live in a rural area and they are very popular.

  5. Beth, this seems like soooo much work! I never really realized some people have hills and rocks to deal with, happy gardening! Ours is during fairly well, check out my redneck garden if you'd like!

  6. Marilyn's Money-Yes, This yard has helped me burn many, many calories. I should be the size of a pencil by now, lol ; ) I like physical work and take a lot of pride in doing things myself so as much as I complain I also enjoy it. Especially the results!
