"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."

Monday, January 4, 2010

Rite Aid money maker, free Soyjoys and cheap Cheerios at CVS!

Trip #1
6 pack Soyjoy bars=$6 got $6 EB (limit 3)
Cheerios bonus pack of 2 $7.99-$1/2 coupon=$6.99 got $4 EB
Total OOP-$12.99-$3.50 EB (Fall spending EB)=$9.49
Total EB earned=$10
Trip #2
6 pack Soyjoy bars=$6 got $6 EB
Cheerios bonus pack of 2 $7.99=$7.99 got $4 EB
Santa hat (says "I've Been Good" for me ; P )=$1.25
2 Wonka gummies $4-2 $1/1 IP coupon ($2)=$2 got $1 EB
Total OOP-$17.24-$10 EB from trip #1=$7.28 (includes tax)
Total EB earned and unused=$11
Listerine $3.50-$1/1=$2.50 will submit for SCR $3.00
Total OOP=$2.50
SCR earned=$3.00
$0.50 profit!
Total OOP for today =$19.27
Total EB earned and unused=$11
Expected SCR=$3


  1. I am confused. Do you pay actual money on your trips to CVS, etc.?

  2. I have struggled so much with how to do my CVS posts.

    I spent a little over $16 total(between the two trips)out of pocket yesterday at CVS but on my second trip got back $11 in extra bucks. So once I spend the $11 in extra bucks that I earned yesterday, that will be deducted from the $16 I paid in cash.

    In the past I have done a detailed break down of exactly what I bought, how I paid, etc. But I haven't been blogging on my deals much and had originally done this post that way but redid it this morning because I thought it was less confusing.

    What is your preference? Do you like the "blow by blow" breakdown of every detail or the general outline like I did this post. I'm still trying to decide how to do my deal posts and would love your feedback. Thanks : )

  3. The McNulty's-I redid the post to help you see exactly what I did with my money. I could have done better flipping the extra bucks so I wouldn't have to pay so much out of pocket but I was having an off day : ) In the end I still saved lots of money.

  4. You know, I am not sure at the moment. I am really new to this, but I love your posts!! Probably a detailed breakdown would make the most sense to me (I love numbers!). Can I let you know as I learn more?

  5. Thank you very much, by the way! Cathy

  6. I don't have a problem doing an exact breakdown because it helps me see if and how much money I am actually saving : ) I've noticed different bloggers have their own way of breaking down their spending. Unforunately, some are deceptive in how they present their numbers and it makes it look like they are saving more than they actually are : ( Please let me know if you have any suggestions on how to structure my breakdowns. For some reason it wouldn't let me put double spaced lines in between the different stores and it looks all crammed on top of each other.
