"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Free stuff at Staples!!

4 Avery heavy-duty view binders ($6.99 ea.)=$27.96 will get back $27.96 rebate in Feb.
Any size but limit of 4 and this is a Staples Rewards rebate ( you need to have a rewards card for this offer which means you don't have to go online and submit for it)
2 HammerMill copy paper reams ($5.99 each)- 2 $0.99 instant savings=$10 will get back $8 rebate making it $1 for each ream (limit 2)
1 Pentel Hyper G pen 4 pack $6.99-$3 instant savings=$3.99 will get back $3.99 rebate

Total OOP $41.95-$6.00 Staples Rewards check=$38.20 including tax
Total rebates earned=$39.95 $1.75 profit!


  1. Do the Staple Rewards just come as a check to use at Staples?

  2. If you have a Rewards card you scan it with every purchase. You get money back each quarter for recycling cartridges, 10% on paper purchases and there are other offers as well. Staples Rewards checks come in the mail as a check you can only use at Staples. The regular rebates (go to www.stapleseasyrebates.com to submit info for the regular rebates, you will get special receipts with the info you need at checkout) come to you in the mail as checks that can be deposited in the bank and spent however you like : )
