"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

More free Soyjoys and free GE "green" bulb!


6 pack of Soyjoy $6=$6 got $6 EB FREE
GE bulb $2.99-$1/1 IP coupon=$1.99 got $2 EB $0.01 profit!

Total OOP $7.99-$7 EB=$1.01 (includes tax)
Total EB earned and unused=$9 (got $1 for 4th use of green bag tag)


  1. OK, I have to ask...are those SOYJOY bars any good? Seems like a great ECB deal, but if they are not good, then I wouldn't think it's worth it!! Are they like Luna bars?

  2. I personally love them! A lot of people don't like them and get them as freebies to donate. I've never tried Luna bars. You can get a box for free after extra bucks this week. I would try them and if you don't like them you can just donate them or give them to someone who likes them : )
