"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Why do I bother?

I've been coming up with lot of original coupon/sales matchup deals lately and posting them. The day or two after these big coupon bloggers post these ideas and don't give me credit. They give other people credit when they are posting about someone else's original deal ideas but not me. Very irritating. I always give credit to the person I got the idea from and put a link to their blog. People are so greedy and selfish. It makes me want to stop posting about my deal ideas and freebies. These are also the same people that seem to shop EVERY DAY and clearly have a shopping addiction. Very sad.


  1. Beth, I know, very frustrating, but you know the bloggy world, take it for what it is!

  2. Marilyn's Money-I know I should just ignore the bad behavior of others and focus on my positive actions. I just need to tell myself that hopefully I am helping other people save money and that is always a good thing!

  3. Don't let them get you down. I can't get the match-up/sales things down to save my life. The way I look at it, when you're doing a thoughful job that helps others (which is what you're doing) than you'll get the credit you deserve in ten folds because you're doing it out of kindness, all those others just do it for the credit not the kindness.

  4. Jennifer-Thanks for the support. I know I shouldn't care because I truly do my posts to help others try and save money.
