"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."

Monday, August 31, 2009

08/31 Garden update

Here are my tomato plants about a week ago.
I had quite a few red ones.....that were all rotting on the vine.

I ripped every single plant out and put them in a trash bag. The blight was so bad this year. Maybe we will have a drier summer next year.

Here is my garden now, minus the tomato plants.

The green and yellow beans are on their second round of blossoms.

Many of my squash plants had leaves that looked like this so I cut all of the affected ones off.

The squash plants have been producing only teeny tiny squashes in the past week. But I'm not seeing all that mold or fungus or whatever it was.

My cukes are the super stars of my garden this year. I am up to my eyeballs in cukes!!!!

My method of staking the cuke plants and guiding the vines so the cukes grow off the ground has been a complete success and I highly recommend it!

My pepper plants are producing finally!!

I'm hoping to pick this and the other big pepper I have growing this week : )

I plan on doing a harvest update and flower update post this week. Hope all of your gardens are still producing and healthy!

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures. Sorry you had the fungus this year. But at least some plants are producing. Are you going to make pickles? I didn't get a lot of cucs this year. But staking my zucchini like you did the cucs was a great move. :)
