"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."

Saturday, August 14, 2010

8-14-10 garden update

I took the above photos this morning.

These were harvested yesterday.

The photos above and below were harvested within the last two weeks.


I took these photos a week ago before a harvest. I am loving the trellis. Unfortunately, it has not done much to help prevent fungal/bacterial infection.

These leaves are on one of my three sickest cuke plants. the cukes on the sick plants are still growing, I'm not sure how it will effect them (size, taste, etc.) if at all.

I'm still harvesting the outer leaves. I've been finding that if I rinse the leaves, store them in an open plastic bag for a few days before eating it makes them much tastier. My second row of younger lettuce is not ready for harvest yet and is hidden behind my huge summer squash plant leaves.

They are hanging in there and still disease free. I'm just starting to see ripening ones and hoping they stay disease free until harvest. I've been pruning and spraying frequently with fungicide. My tomato, green bean and lettuce plants are staying healthy but the cuke, summer squash and zuke plants are very infected.


My squash plants are heavily infected with powdery mildew but are still producing.

I am down to 2 zuke plants. The two that were in the middle row never produced despite my best hand pollinating efforts so I pulled them out. The trellised zuke plant is doing well and I will be definetly be trellising all of them next year.
Out of all the female zuke flowers I have hand pollinated only 4 have reached maturity and been harvested. These are the most current zukes I have hand pollinated. Fingers crossed they make it!

The oldest row is on a second round of blossoms and starting to produce. The youngest row are extremely tall for some reason. I planted fewer seeds in this row so I don't know if the tall growth is due to the plants having more room for the roots or what.

My two remaining heads of cabbage are swiss cheese. I'm not pulling them yet because I'd rather have the bugs eat this than my nursery seedlings close by.

Almost all the seeds I sowed have sprouted. I have to thin them soon.


  1. You have some great size cukes and a ton of tomatoes there! My cuke plants are dying but I think they've just had their time. I planted more seeds the other day for a Fall harvest. Hopefully they grow.
    I've always had trouble storing my lettuce after I picked it. I'll have to try your tip. Thanks!

  2. Jennifer-the variety of cukes I planted are Straight Eight and they are suppose to grow to about 8 inches. I didn't know you could plant cukes in the fall. What part of the country do you live in?

  3. My cukes are pretty much done, I didn't plant any new cuke seeds. I did carrots, onions, lettuce, radishes and peas. I'm in NJ.
