"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."

Sunday, July 25, 2010

7/25/10 Garden update

I trellised this zucchini plant because it was in danger of growing over the wall and it is producing the most (with hand pollination, more on that below) and I just wanted to try it : )

Not sure when I should pick this lettuce. I'm hoping it doesn't get bitter. Any advice on when to harvest it would be appreciated.

I replaced the wooden 4 ft. stakes on my my taller tomato plants with vinyl coated 6 ft. stakes. I think I will no longer use the wooden stakes after this summer because they are prone to rotting, getting moldy and encourage fungal growth. I've been using a stretchy, plastic "tape" for staking, training to vine to a trellis, etc. and I really like it. It doesn't rot, get moldy or cut into the plants.
I really like the Bayer Natria Disease Control Spray. It is the only spray I am currently using. It can be sprayed on all the plants in my garden and is very effective. I have been using the same bottle (attached to your hose and mixes as you spray) all summer.
I have been pruning my tomato plants aggressively (pruned them again after these photos). I think my tomato plants were falling victim to late blight last month and was picking off all signs of disease daily along with the suckers. I am finding that the indeterminate variety that I have is more work but is much easier to keep disease free. You can take off quite a bit of the branches and leaves and they will continue to produce new growth. I had a couple of plants that had a diseased main stem early on and either a new main stem grew in its place or I was able to take a sucker (I leave one sucker below each tomato cluster) and make that the new main stem.

My cukes are doing really well. I am pruning off the suckers by cutting them after the first leaf and cucumber.

My other row of lettuce.

The summer squash plants are doing well but the squash they are producing are pretty small but still tasty : ) I've harvested 4 so far.

My zukes have been giving me some trouble. I started noticing that they were turning yellow and dying at 1-2 inches in length. With some internet research I decided the problem was that the female flowers (they become the zucchini) were not opening at all and therefor not getting pollinated by the male flowers (these were opening but the pollen was not able to be transferred to the female via bees, wind, etc.) So I have been forcing open the female flowers when they are about 1-2 inches long and still green and taking a wilted closed male flower, ripping off the petals and sticking the stamen into the female flower. I have been able to grow 2 zukes to full size and harvest them by doing this. I currently have 1 (below) that is on it's way to becoming mature. None of the female flowers are opening. I have not had this problem with my cukes or squash (they are equipped with male and female flowers and are from the same plant family called cucerbits)

I trellised this zuke plant to see what would happen : )

The green beans are producing well. We have already eaten two harvests this past week.

I planted another row where I had been trying to grow cauliflower unsuccessfully. I tried transplanting the pumpkin plants to a garden below the wall. The female flowers have not been opening on them. I ripped out one and planted gourds and will be taking out the remaining pumpkin plant and planting gourds.

The cabbages are finally forming small heads. I ripped out the broccoli and Brussels sprouts. I will be using this empty area as a nursery to grow my fall crops of broccoli, Brussels sprouts, lettuce, spinach and cauliflower (maybe more cabbage).

I would really love to see garden updates from you all!


  1. I'm jealous, jealous, jealous! My garden is a huge weed patch! Just shameful! However, green beans and tomatoes are plentiful (my tomatoes are still green), You've really outdone yourself.

  2. Oh Marilyn, I am so sorry to hear your garden is not doing well : ( Glad that your tomatoes and green beans are thriving : ) Why do you have so many weeds? I think all the sand and rocks in my garden somehow keep the weeds out of mine! It's a miracle anything grows in my soil. I am holding my breath and crossing my fingers that my tomatoes make it to my table after the late blight I dealt with last year. I really like the organic fungicide I've been using. I'm still learning and hope my gardens get better and better each year. I have been putting in about 10 hours + a week in my gardens and compost bins. I'm a bit obsessed! I hope some of the things I learn help others have better gardens or at least not do the things that I have done that don't work : ) I love seeing other peoples gardens and reading about their experiences. Not a lot of the blogs I follow are doing garden updates : (

  3. I found the more I picked my lettuce, the more it grew. Than my groundhog discovered my lettuce and now it is no more. I also had the same problem early on with my zukes turning yellow after only an inch or two. They've gotten better now.
    I love your stone walls and the different levels of the garden. It's really beautiful.

  4. Jennifer-How do you harvest it so it will keep growing? Do you cut the whole thing off at ground level or only take out a certain part?

    I dug almost every single, stinkin' rock out of my gardens that you see in the rock walls (not the big one which is held together with cement). Reuse and recycle!

  5. No, I've never cut the whole head off but I heard if you do and leave a few inches above the soil it will grow more leaves. I just rip off leaves from the outer edge so there is always something growing on the plant. I had two rows growing so there was plenty to take from, as my ground hog realized.

  6. I do admire those who have the patience to tend to a garden. I just don't. I'm always exhausted, and with my lupus, I'm not able to be in the sun for long. So, I enjoy the fruits of others' labor at the local farmers' markets.

    BTW, I do miss your posts about all of your wild deals that you find at CVS and such! Hope you're well!

  7. The McNultys-I haven't been hitting many sales mainly because I stocked up on a lot so I could enjoy the summer. With my gardening and the kids home I just don't have much time or patience to shop and run all over to get deals. I am also just very busy with the kids and life in general and don't really enjoy shopping. I actually hate shopping which is why I try to stockpile. We had to pull our son out of summer school so I have been focusing on being home with the kids. I'll probably be doing more bargain shopping once they are back in school :D

  8. I can only imagine how busy you are having pulled your son out of summer school. My younger daughter (ASD) is in school through next week, and my older daughter (typical) has been at various camps, and I've been non-stop busy. I'm not sure how I'll get through the last few weeks of summer when they're both home :0

    I'm Cathy, BTW!

  9. Cathy-Yes, I am a busy bee! My hubby and I have also been redoing some of the rooms. We just bought all new furniture for our daughter's room, still waiting for 2 pieces to be delivered, and we just ordered all new pieces for our living room. We also are repurposing some things and moving stuff around in the dining room/office. We didn't buy anything fancy, mostly put together furniture and we got it all off Walmart.com which I just love! We have been in an decluttering/organizing/redecorating frenzy for the past month! I'm hoping to get everything done soon so we can relax and enjoy our winter when we are all trapped inside :D We spend a lot of time at home and we are very picky about how our home looks, it's the OCD/Autism, LOL. I'm planning on posting photos once everything is done : )

  10. I'm very excited to see what you've done! We have spare bedroom that is just being used primarily for storage. I'm anxious to remedy that and make it a more useful space. Can't wait to see your photos to get some ideas for myself :)

    A lot of our furniture is put together furniture. Our younger daughter is REALLY rough on things, so we just don't see any reason to spend any money (that we don't have) on good stuff!

