"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Storing and planting Dahlia bulbs

I had my first flower gardens last summer and was given many Dahlias. Dahlias grow from bulbs and although I could have just left them in the ground I liked the idea of trying to store them for the winter and planting them in the Spring. There are many different ways to store bulbs. I went for the easiest and lowest maintenance method. I was able to use about half of the bulbs I stored. More than half survived covered in pine pet bedding in a closed cardboard box I kept in my basement but the only ones that are most likely to bloom are the ones that had "eyes"

Here are some photos of bulbs that have "eyes". Some sources I looked at on the Internet for storing Dahlia bulbs separated the bulbs before storage.

I found that it was almost impossible to see the "eyes" before storage. I was pleasantly surprised to see very obvious "eyes" on half the bulbs.

Before separating bulbs you need to locate the "eyes". Make sure that as many bulbs as possible have at least one "eye" once separated from each other. I just used a pocket knife to cut them apart.

Did any of you dig up and store bulbs for the winter? How do you go about storing them?

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