"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Most extreme frugal footwear of the year award goes to.....

The owner of these worn out shoes.
He is a hard working, self-sacrificing, father of two and devoted hubby.......

.....to me.

I am proud of his frugalness but VERY happy to see these go. As much as I like to save a buck, I have been ENCOURAGING, some might say nagging, him to buy new shoes for a year. In fact, over six months ago I bought him "new" pair of shoes off ebay to replace these. They were mint condition, barely used shoes. It took him months to tell me that they were not comfortable and that is why he wasn't wearing them. So I have been telling him to go buy some new shoes. He hadn't until yesterday. This is the same man that will tell me to buy something if I or the kids need it and acts like I am being ridiculous for even discussing it with him. He tells me to just buy whatever it is we need.
He even called me from the mall yesterday saying he had found his dream shoes but couldn't justify the $39.99 price tag. He wears these shoes EVERY DAY. If you do the math, a pair of shoes that cost $39.99 only cost my hubby 0.10 cents a day!!! I think he is worth it : )
He also bought himself a pair of lined jeans for the winter, on sale of course. Now if I can ENCOURAGE him to replace more examples of his extreme frugality in his wardrobe......


  1. Beth, I can relate to the shoes, my hubs wear them till they are totally trashed too! Oh by the way, welcome back!

  2. lol, great post. I was about to go eek, what kind of shoes are these, but then I read the post and I thought awww, great man, great shoes.
