"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

CVS Free Listerine and money makers-Revlon lipstick, Nivea body wash + Glade!

Buy $12 of select Glade products get $4 extra bucks
2 Glade essential oil candle holders 2/$6-2 $1.50/1 coupons ($3)=$3
2 Glade essential oil candle refill bonus packs 2/$6-$6(used 2 buy 1 candle holder get 1 refill free)=FREE
1 Glade essential oil candle refill bonus pack-$3 (used buy 2 refills get 1 free)=FREE
Total=$3 got $4 EB=$1 Profit!
1 Nivea body wash $5.99-$2/1 coupon (available at coupons.com)=$3.99 got $5 EB=$1.01 Profit!
1 Listerine $3.99-$1/1=$2.99 got $3 EB=$0.01 Profit!
3 Revlon lipsticks $6.99 ($20.97)-3 $2/1 coupons ($6)=$14.97 got $15 EB=$0.03 Profit!
Total Profit-$2.05
And free stuff!


  1. Oh to long for a CVS store!

  2. Marilyn's Money-You don't have a CVS where you are?

  3. I'm jealous! I went today and there was not one bodywash or Listerine on the shelves and I had ECBs that expire the 26th. Add four grumpy children to the mix and I just grabbed enough stuff to use up my ECBs and left.

    Glad you're back with deals. Have a great Christmas!
